Warehousing and Distribution
One of the most challenging aspects of growing a brand is the warehouse and distribution costs that come associated with. Hiring and training skilled laborers can be a very difficult process especially in cases of high attrition rates. That is where we can step in. Our warehouse workers are always trained and well experienced in managing a variety of products. Not only are we better equipped to handle your initial product, but we are especially quick in adapting to changes that need to be made to existing product lines. At JDS Prime we pride ourselves on quality control and always aim to provide consistency in product quality and fulfillment metrics.
Optimized Shipping Rates
Another way in which a 3pl company can simplify your supply chain process is by handling shipping costs associated with distribution. It can be very difficult to optimize shipping rates when initially entering the market. Recent market volatility has led many logistics providers to raise their shipping prices which can be detrimental to many companies already running on thin margins. This is why it is critical to have a 3pl service provider that has years of experience in negotiating rates that truly benefit your bottom line.
Inventory Management
Learning about inventory in terms of its velocity in sales is critically important to be successful in growing a business. Our team is particularly experienced in tracking inventory to determine what is selling and what is moving slowly. JDS Prime can provide forecasting solutions on what inventory can be turned over quicker and help drive your business decisions based on these insights. Our experience across warehousing multiple types of products can be very useful when trying to forecast landed cost of goods should order quantities change. This is key in streamlining your sales process and truly optimizing the way you stock your inventory.